Lunes, Setyembre 19, 2011

From BIG mommy to SEXY wifey

Being pregnant was one of the most exciting thing that happened to me. I enjoyed eating, sleeping and being at home all the time --- worry free. My fave that time was cakes and chocolates, can't stop craving for those.

I can still remember, there was a time, I need to hide inside our room eating a slice of Chocolate cake from Aristocrat (yumyum!!) just for me not to be caught by my concerned hubby. He's trying to stop me from eating sweets for my baby's sake and my weight, ofcourse!!! to cut the long story short ----- I got BIGger!! 

After gaving birth, my weight increased, about 10-15 kilos, waaahh... What am I suppose to do? I need to stay fit and be adorable in my hubby's eyes. Think, think, think. Until then I tried jogging, badminton, and disciplined myself from eating too much sweets and carbohydrates.. But oh no! nothing happened.. 

Why? Here's the funny part, yeah i did exercise, less sugar and carbo ---- for 1 week, haha. I can't stop eating cakes, yema, polvoron, yummy thai food, Chocolate cakes, Toast from Ya Kun Kaya (MOA) and many, many more..
Me: After gaving birth.. Super Fat!!

Now, what? Until, the other day, it was morning, my hubby said " Gang, you're a bit slimmer now".. I was shocked and smiled back at him "really?!?.. ", paused for a while thinkin, " DXN Coffee, this was because of that coffee you gave me last week". Yeah, I super agree, my lifestyle of eating was still the same, i still love and enjoy eating, the only thing or new stuff i did --- drink 1 sachet of DXN coffee per day.

Just to prove, i went to Mercury Drugs, took the weighing machine test and yes, I just lost 5 kilos in less than 2 weeks. Very nice! 
After drinking DXN coffee: without any goal or intention to get slim!! 
It just happened!

That's why i came up with this article, just to inform all of the mommies or women out there -- we all have the chance to stay FIT and SLIM effortlessly.

Where to Buy: I think this is available nationwide or contact this number  +63 9265302484 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +63 9265302484      end_of_the_skype_highlighting . I think you need a sponsor before buying the coffee so contact that person.
 Go to DXN

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